Sunday, May 3, 2009

Donkeywatch 2009: McDaniels + Bowlen = Discontent?

by: Chris Sullivan

Woody Paige of the Denver Post has an interesting interview with Pat Bowlen (Owner, CEO) of the Denver Broncos. The whole thing is worth checking out, but here are some of the highlights (from a Seahawks' point of view):

  • The Broncos will "probably not" win the Super Bowl next season.
  • His new coach, Josh McDaniels, committed "rookie mistakes," but he fully supports him and is growing more assured he will be outstanding in the long term.
  • When told many were puzzled why McDaniels didn't choose more defensive players in the recent draft, Bowlen replied: "Me, too."

This should all be seen as quite heartening news to Seahawks fans. You better believe Paul Allen has never gone into a Seahawks season in the past 7-10 years thinking we weren't going to win the Super Bowl. He also would not likely admit publicly that his new coach and the GM puzzled him with their draft picks. McDaniels is on a short leash and he doesn't really have the players to get off that leash with victories. Top ten pick, top ten pick, top ten pick!