Saturday, November 15, 2008

Picks like Whoa

by: Seahawk Addicts Staff

Well ladies and germs, it's that time of the week again: Pick Time! First, let's take a look at last week's standings:


Steffes 11 3 78.60%
"Sullivan" [M.]
7 7 50.00%
Gonzo 9 5 64.30%


Gonzo 87 61 58.8%
Steffes 86 61 58.5%
Sullivan 83 64 56.5%

Editor M. stepped in and picked for Sullivan, and did him proud: 50%! Bold picks such as Detroit over the Jags and those Weenie Seahawks over the Dolphins doomed him / Sullivan. Not the best gift for the honeymooner, but hey, it could've been worse. Probably. Somehow.

Meanwhile, Steffes emerged from the shadows with one of the best weeks we've had to date--11 and 3! In one fell swoop, he is within one game of P-Hands Parker who remains pretty good at flipping a coin. Let's take a look at this week's picks, shall we?

GAME Steffes Sullivan Gonzo
NYJ @ NE Pats Pats Pats
Denver @ Atlanta Atlanta Atlanta Atlanta
Philadelphia @ Cincinnati Philly Philly Philly
Chicago @ Green Bay GB Chicago Chicago
Houston @ Indy Indy Houston Indy
New Orleans @ KC New Orleans New Orleans New Orleans
Oakland @ Miami Miami Oakland Miami
Baltimore @ NYG NYG NYG NYG
Minnesota @ Tampa Bay Tampa Minnesota Tampa
Detroit @ Carolina Carolina Carolina Carolina
St Louis @ SF SF St Louis St Louis
Tennessee @ Jac Tennessee Tennessee Tennessee
San Diego @ Pittsburgh Pittsburgh San Diego Pittsburgh
Dallas @ Washington Dallas Dallas Washington
Cleveland @ Buffalo Buffalo Cleveland Buffalo
Arizona @ Seattle Seattle 31-27 Arizona 38 - 34 Seattle 37 - 30

Sullivan looks to pull up a bit with some strange picks--Brady "McCain/Palin" Quinn taking out Buffalo, Oakland landing an upset against the Fins who almost lost to Seneca, San Diego over Pittsburgh, All-Day running All-Over the Bucs, and Schaub and the Texans taking out Manning and the Horsies. Gonzo is the only one to pick Washington over the 'Boys, and Steffes is the sole soul taking the Whiners over the Lambs.

Also, Chris is the asshole of the week, picking Kurt "Denny's Senior Menu" Warner over the Hawks. Whatta joik.