Sunday, April 26, 2009

What Does the NFL Know That We Don't?

by: Chris Sullivan

It's got to be something and it's probably related to Rashad Jennings. Jennings has slid past eighteen other running backs, including a ton of people who were rated much lower on a ton of people's big boards.

Update: Make that 19... 20...

Update2: Jennings is not happy at all. From his Twitter page:

It's funny how the draft works sometime.. Do you the Matt Stafford would have been 1st over all if he played at Liberty? (6 hours ago)
I have do idea! It alright somebody gonna be fired for passin me up (5 hours ago)
There will be 31 teams to feel to feel my frustration. (3 hours ago)
Somebody is going to be pissed they over looked me (3 hours ago)
I had my 1st phone call (1 hour ago)