Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Alexander Update

John Clayton is reporting that the expected time table for releasing Shaun Alexander is April 1st. He is still expected to be designated as a June 1st cut which would create a 4.5 million in cap space come June 2nd. This was reported on JC's blog at ESPN insider.

There seems to be several different opinions on the Seahawks cap space. The range seems to spread from 3 million to 9 million. It would seem that the team would be more inclined to take the hit in one year if the number is actually 9 million. Since Clayton is reporting the low end, that is probably why he is adamant that Shaun will be a June 1st cut. Most likely he will be. Even if the team does have space, it is likely that they are trying to create enough space to give Lofa and Leroy mid year extensions. I can hope can't I.....

UPDATE(10:45) Here is an article by Ira Miller at NFL.COM that interviews Mike Holmgren, essentially confirming this story.


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