Saturday, March 29, 2008

Scheduling Dilemmas

Well, we know that the Seahawks won't be playing in the Thursday night opener at the Meadowlands. That however doesn't mean the Hawks won't be part of the prime time lineup. In years past, there have been two MNF games, usually one featuring left coast participants. Also there is this, excellent Patriots beat writer Mike Reiss has been doing some tinkering of his own. He thinks the Pats at the Hawks would be a nice ratings draw for the opening weekend too.

So you tell me...Do you want our crack at the Patriots early, mid season, or late in the year? Something tells me it will have a Wild Card feel to it. I think it might benefit the Hawks to play them early. They are going to have several new players in their secondary, and they won't be able to scout our improved run scheme. Tell me what you think....

UPDATE--John Clayton just said on his KRJ radio program that there is a lot of talk in the league that the Pats Hawks will be played opening weekend, probably Sunday Night.