Wednesday, March 19, 2008

NFL Live... Hawks Season Preview

In their coverage of 32 teams in 32 days, ESPN's NFL Live looked at the Seahawks today. If you missed it I am sure it will be on later, and if ESPN posts a video, I will add it to this post. In the meantime, here is a summary.....

Hasselback was on, and asked a couple of the big offseason questions. First he said that Holmgren leaving will inspire the team to really get after it, not that they wouldn't have already. Also, he thinks that the transition to Mora is no big deal because they have "great guys" and "great leadership" on this team. Also, he said he knows nothing about Shaun other than he is rehabbing. He said that every year he expects to see new people on the team, and it is always hard because you make friends with guys.

Marcellus Wiley had the quote of the show, when he said Shaun Alexander is a "turf monster". Which means while the rest of the guys are looking to hit, you are looking for a nice piece of turf to fall on. He then proceeded to question 37's heart.

Todd McShay was a little kinder, saying he thinks Shaun can still play in the right system. He thinks the Seahawks will look at Dustin Keller in the first. Might be a little high to take him, but he fits what the Hawks like to do with the TE perfectly. END

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