Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Nuttin' Goin' On

In Seahawk Land. It is ok for me, I am pretty busy. I am working with someone on upgrading the site over my break, so I have been dealing with that. Also, I am knee deep in scouting reports trying to figure out who fits the Hawks system best. I think I am going to debut the draft preview tomorrow.

In the meantime, it seems a lot of questions got asked today, so I will come back in a bit and share my opinions on those topics. If anybody has anything else, add it to this thread.

In the meantime, no worries, I am sure the Hawks are knee deep in scouting reports too, they are most definitely focused on a great draft and a championship season. Unlike Mike Nolan, who, looking for another excuse to wear a suit, has shown up at the NFLN studios for Total access. It is right up the street, should I go heckle him a bit?


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