Thursday, July 10, 2008

Comprehensive Season Preview

by: Michael Steffes

I will be away from the computer for the next several hours. I am still in training to win next years Seahawks charity golf tournament... if they have such a thing? :-) The handicap must come down, but before it does... a post must go up.

Here is what you get to keep you amused and the discussion rolling. Yet another in the long line of season preview articles. This one is a bit deeper than usual, and is written by someone who either isn't blind, or has a bit of 12th man in him.

Here is the article from

There are a few things that can be debated from this article, so I am interested to hear what you all think. The writer is obviously not a Sean Locklear fan which is surprising. I think he is our most consistent linemen; Walt has been prone to a bad game here in there the last two years. He balances this by claiming Leonard Weaver is a pro bowler in waiting. Interesting.

Hope you enjoy.... ~END~