Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Wednesday Wake Up

by: Michael Steffes

Lots of Seahawk stories abound this morning. Get yrrrr read on folks.

Clare Farnsworth has done a top notch write up on Big Play Babs. It has been stated in a few places that he will not be the nickelback, but Josh Wilson is going to have to make major strides to step in. Babs just seems to be a favorite of coaches and teammates.

Jose Romero has written up Seneca Wallace and his approach coming into camp. There are also some notes from camp, including that Hasselbeck is ribbing his new center.

The results are in from Jim Mora's famous Tiger Mountain run. Jamar Adams was tops, but even Red Bryant made it to the top.

Scott Johnson elaborates more on Matt Hasselbeck's biggest concern: where are all the jokers at?

There are two articles on Gilby, but they focus more on his past than his present position. Here is one from Frank Hughes, and another from Scott Johnson.

Day 6: Schedule for today is practice in the morning, special teams in the afternoon. ~END