Thursday, July 31, 2008

The first sizable casualty of training camp?

by: Chris Sullivan

Frank Hughes is reporting that Red Bryant was absent from practice today, and when prodded, Holmgren "actually seemed a bit concerned." It sounds like my favorite beast from the Lonestar State has injured his knee and it could be serious. Hughes is saying that it sounds like there will be an MRI to check everything out.

UPDATE: Clare Farnsworth is reporting that the preliminary results on Red's knee tests are bad, and he may need arthroscopic surgery to repair damage to his left knee. Final results should be coming within a couple of days. We're rooting for you, Red! (Thank you Zed for the link in the comments).

If anything else develops, we'll update you guys as soon as we hear it, but it will likely be a couple of days before we know anything. Do bear in mind that this almost certainly means no Red Bryant at the scrimmage on Saturday. Womp wah.

Also, the comment server seems to be having some trouble today, slow in showing comments and not registering them on the main page where it would normally say "Comments (3)" it just says "Comments". They are being posted though, just seems like a little delay. It appears now that comments don't show up unless you leave one, so, y'know. Do so if you want to see the comments. hah. ~END~